Science Communication

Chair     : Ts. Dr Jaysuman Pusppanathan1

Co-chair: Dr Melissa Beata Martin


Science communication working group aims to empower scientists to be better science communicators, by providing platforms (talks, article columns, etc.) and training for science writing and public speaking.1

Activities overview
  1. Science Café
  2. Meet the Experts x Petrosains
  3. Suara Saintis Muda
  4. Science Communication Module Development
  5. YSN-ASM Science Communication Public Engagement Series1
Activities Detail

Science Café

  • Science Café is a public talk series held in three cities – Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru and Georgetown, Penang. In KL, café sessions are held monthly on 2nd Wednesday of the month, while JB and Penang are held on ad-hoc basis. YSN members and affiliates are given an opportunity to share their research findings to a non-expert audience, particularly working adults, students and families residing in respective cities. The casual environment also enables engaging discussion between the speaker and the audience.
  • Science Café is organised internationally across various countries. This concept for casual science talk in hipster café or pub has been effective in capturing a fan base, while engaging a unique non-expert audience. Furthermore, it is a learning experience for YSN members and affiliates as speakers themselves – to step out of their lecture comfort mode.
  • Newspaper interview about Science Café KL: Click here 
  • Facebook page

Meet the Experts x Petrosains

  • Meet the Experts is a partnership program between YSN and Petrosains for the purpose of promoting STEM
  • Read more 

Suara Saintis Muda

  • Suara Saintis Mudais a dedicated news column to share experiences and insights about the life of a young scientist in Malaysia. Unlike formal news, this column offers column readers a casual and more people’s perspective into the life and times of scientist behind the science discovery.
  • Link to full archive:


  • Towards digital in Science Communication
  • ASM started an initiative to revive Estidotmy through a digital platform to ensure the knowledge of science, technology, and innovation remains lively and reachable to the public, called e-Estidotmy.
  • This initiative is a collaboration between YSN-ASM and Science Media Centre (SMC) Malaysia. The first issue of e-Estidotmy is planned to be published in Q1 2021.
  • Read more